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13 Tuesday / January 13, 2015

Winter Exploration Hike Series: Crooked Creek Backwater

01:30 pm
Monroe Lake: Crooked Creek SRA

Our Winter Exploration Hike Series features off-trail hiking through lesser-known areas of Monroe Lake. These are exploratory in nature so there is no “set” path; we’ll have a general route in mind, but plenty of freedom to veer off as things of interest catch our eyes. Hikers should be prepared for the possibility of rugged terrain, lack of formal toilet facilities, and lots of fun!

All of the Winter Exploration Hikes are FREE, but online PREREGISTRATION is required for each hike by the specified date. Registrants are sent an email with driving directions to the meeting location and additional details at least 1 day prior to each hike.

Tuesday, January 13: Crooked Creek Backwater at 1:30p (Location: Crooked Creek SRA)
Register by January 10 at http://bit.ly/2015winterhikejan13
Depending on water levels, we’ll either hike the old Elkinsville Road and ridgelines above the backwater or check out the Lucas Hollow woods and fields. 1 hour 30 minutes

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Paynetown Activity Center
[email protected]

Fitness / Outdoors

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