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29 Tuesday / March 29, 2016

Wounded Galaxies Presents: An Evening of Exquisite Corpses

07:00 pm to 11:00 pm
The Back Door

Join us for our first community art-making event as Wounded Galaxies Marches Toward 1968.

We invite you to attend An Evening of Exquisite Corpses, a surrealist game where participants create communal drawings of absurd bodies.

One collaborator draws the head, then folds over the paper to hide it from co-participants. The next person draws the torso, then folds the paper over. And the last person draws the legs. In the end, you unfold it to see your assembled body.

This event is part of the Back Door’s regular Drink & Draw night, which happens every Tuesday. There is a suggested donation of $1 per sheet of paper, but we’re happy to have all participants!

We’ll also have a music and spoken word playlist of your favorite dada, surrealist, and situationist sounds!

All proceeds from the evening will go toward “Wounded Galaxes: 1968,” a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the revolutionary arts & culture movements of 1968 in Paris, Prague, and beyond. “Wounded Galaxies: 1968” will be a multimedia festival and scholarly symposium in Bloomington, IN in February 2018.

Find out more about Wounded Galaxies at woundedgalaxiesfest.com.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:


Benefits / Eat and Drink / Entertainment / LGBT

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