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27 Sunday / September 27, 2015

Writing through Trauma

06:30 pm to 08:30 pm
Unity of Bloomington

This expressive writing class will be a supportive space for adult writers who are negotiating difficult topics, regardless of genre or experience. We will discuss writing our trauma from a safe space, self-care, critical reading, how to give and receive constructive criticism, what writing style works best for us and why, finding our voices, and point of view among other topics. At least 30 minutes of every session will be devoted to in-class writing. Writers are encouraged to share their work, but not required. Regular but brief out-of-class writing and reading will be assigned for in-class discussion. Maximum 15 participants. Minimum 4 registrants. All genders welcome. Some scholarships available. Contact [email protected] with scholarship inquiries by Saturday, August 22.

Cost: $80

For more information contact:

Danielle Bachant-Bell
(812) 333-2484
[email protected]

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