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4 Saturday / April 4, 2015

Wylie House Museum Parlor Concert

03:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Wylie House Museum - 307 E. 2nd Street

The Wylie House Museum is always delighted to welcome back the Indiana University student string quartet chamber music spring series. The parlor-style living room of the home, much like the original settings for which chamber music was written, will serve as the venue for the chamber music performances. There may not be a more perfect setting in which to enjoy these young, world class musicians.

Coached by the Grammy Award-winning Pacifica Quartet, students will showcase their talents and virtuosity beyond the walls of the Jacobs School through their passion for chamber music. The performances will feature a variety of student string chamber ensembles coached by the Pacifica Quartet presenting a diverse selection of chamber music repertoire.

Doors open at 2:30

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Carey Beam
[email protected]

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